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Aug 9, 2012

Story of two houses / Home owners helped CSA soldiers.

Our first story of a antebellum house comes from "War of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies" by Robert N Scott (1985) and the Report of US Major John H. Clybourn.

I will have to leave out much of the details due to a lack of knowledge, but this is so historically interesting and so pertinent to my blog I will write a short account in my words including a link to sources which covers these stories.

I presume that the time that Major Clybourn swam his command across the Comite River was just prior to the battle of Baton Rouge. Upon crossing the Comite Black man informed the major that at the house of Mr. Granville Pierce on [Greenwell Springs Road] they were harboring two Confederate Lieutenant's, one was the chief of the rebel scouts in the district. So Major Clybourn took ten men and surrounded the house. A thorough search through the home revealed nothing though the Yankee's saw their horses and gear. They seized their horses and left realizing that probably the rebel officer's were hid in the house.

[I may have seen this house which is not visible now, it is in a wooded area.]

Excerp about the above incident from, "War of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies", page 1002.
     "...[I] swam my command across the Comite River, and marched to Baton Rouge. Learning from a negro (sic) that  the rebel Lieutenant Brannan and Lieutenant Brown were at the house of Mr. Granville Pierce, on Greenville (sic, Greenwell) Springs road, I charged up with a party of ten men and surrounded the place, capturing Lieutenant Brannan's orderly and equipments, but could find nothing of the rebel officers. I am certain they were hid away in the house. Lieutenant Brannan  is chief of all the rebel scouts in this district." [Parenthesis added]
I do not know where this house was, or is.

The second story of second antebellum house come from Central City News

Colonel Henry Watkins Allen had his cheek torn away by a mini-ball at the Battle of Shiloh and in 1862 had commenced to lead a charge against an enemy position when they fired a cannon and the blast knocked the young Colonel Allen down killing his mount, I don't know the detail of the incident to write of it in detail. The Article says that he was taken to a house on Joor Road to be treated for his wounds. I suspect that have been where the house is as related to me by two sources (not verified and no evidence), one source just say was an extremely old house across street from entrance of Dancy Drive off Joor) but nothing can be seen of it through the trees.

This happened on August 5th, in her diary Sarah Morgan wrote that about in November he was still unable to walk. Colonel Allen became Louisiana's second Confederate Governor and is buried on the Old State Capitol Grounds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Read the Recollections of Henry Watkins Allen, its on google books online. It's absolutely fascinating . What was the first name of Lieutenant Brown?